Portrait Avatar

Self portrait avatar designed in Adobe Illustrator. Using a accurate and realistic color palette, featuring a geometric design.

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Object Icons

A small set of three high-resolution icons designed for a mockup portfolio. Designed in Adobe Illustrator. Featuring an empty web desktop and mobile browser based on Google Chrome and MacOS; A digital camera inspired by Leica camera and the acclaimed Eames chair by Herman Miller.

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Woven Leather Wallpaper

This wallpaper and texture are inspired by Bottega Veneta's woven leather products. Specifically, the cassette bag in pistachio from Spring/Summer 2021. 

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Compiled Design

Project created to demonstrate creativity skills. The final design is composed of multiple supplied images that are not altered, but layered with varied effects and positioned to create the final image. All images layered and positioned to create an astronaut floating in space.

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Advertising Thumbnails

Set of three high-resolution thumbnail designs created to advertise gift guides. 

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Map Design

An accurate map of Lancaster, Pennsylvania created in Adobe Illustrator. Designed in a realistic dark mode view.

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Photo Restoration

Complete portrait photo restoration of a dated physical photo, done in Adobe Photoshop.

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Product Website

Business mockup website created with Bootstrap framework, HTML5, and CSS. 

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News Website

Mockup news website created with Bootstrap framework, HTML5, and CSS.

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Water.org Infographic

Infographic created with the goal to enlighten the people reached with clean water by water.org. Created in Adobe Illustrator. 

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Bruce Stine. © 2023